Sergiu vasilachi
Very beautiful place, delicious food,professional stuff.
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Irene A
It's a fast food with Georgian pastry and kebab. A lot of chicken and they also have soup. Nice interior
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Lilia B
Like the place fot its ambiance and also food. Their unique bread is very good too!
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Calion Igor
Christian Black
The restaurant is good, however it's not traditional georgian cuisine restaurant, but more like a georgian fast-food. Courses are small but tasty, there's no much crowd in the evening, overall place is good.
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Yammino - singurul loc din Moldova unde puteți mânca fast food, preparate doar din ingrediente naturale. Gătim pe cărbune, în cuptor - tandoor, bucatele păstrându-și proprietățile utile și aroma apetisantă. Este incredibil de delicios ... Încearcă!
Chișinău, str. Nicolae Testemițeanu 29/5
060 888 891