![Centru Educațional Guguță](https://www.recenzii.md/uploads/company/logo/1a9868e83136dc3f833ab66ba1298367.png)
Centru Educațional Guguță
![Carolina Negritu](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-gNL-hfO-vmw/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/AMZuucmdG0xrl81R0UCVl_4oC6CHBlDR0A/s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo/photo.jpg)
Carolina Negritu
The conditions created are wonderful for the primary development of children.
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Costea Chitan
Our family expresses its deep gratitude to the entire team of the kindergarten. The kindergarten is the first school of life and relationships for our children. We really like the fact that the kindergarten has such a sensitive, understanding and experienced staff, thanks to whom our children receive affection and care. All the lessons in the group have a positive effect on the life of our child. Very diverse and interesting events are held within the walls of our kindergarten. We wish the kindergarten every success and prosperity in the future.
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The location of the institution has changed since 2020. It is now located in a quiet, green and clean residential area.
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Centru Educațional Guguță
Centru Educaţional „Guguţă” este unicul Centru (grădiniţă de copii) din mun.Chişinău, care activează cu program prelungit, 24 ore 7 zile în săptămînă, şi oferă o gamă vastă de servicii educaţionale.
Str-la 1, Plaiului St 14, Codru 2019
022 285 856 / 069 217 805